Yes, and happen it did! This morning a person came to our place to cut back a bit of branches of the tree that were overhanging the gutter. At first thought you may wonder as to how this could affect someone so badly, but the point is that I am not talking about a person, but rather I am talking about some little birds who are rather special. At least to us they are anyway.
Each day during the winter months we have sparrows turn up at our place looking for and expecting to have some wheat. And they are very successful get getting what they want. Usually we give into them a few times every day and that is the way that they like it. But today it was different after the man had come and gone after doing the trimming. They were a little concerned. The tree looked a little different and so it took a little time for them to adjust to what had happened. But adjust they did and they are happy to be getting their food once more.
It reminds me of the fact that there are times in our lives that we have to adjust to new things. And we can also be slow in changing. And that can be understandable at times. It can be all too hard and all we can do is to hold on and hope for the best. But the one thing that we need to remember is that there is One above us who is eager to be there and how we need to be willing for Him to do the leading in our lives. And if we do that we can avoid a lot of terrible pitfalls.
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.