Reading this title you may wonder as to what this is all about. But I have to let you in on a secret. And that being that this story is being played out as we speak. So the end of the story may have to come at a later date. Or maybe I will share in faith how I think and hope that the story will end.
At the centre of this story is the fact that the cats do not like what is on their plate. They would rather be eating something else and they are being a little fussy. That I can understand but there is one thing that we all need to understand and that being that we are willing to eat what is being put in front of us at all times. Sometimes we give in and give them what they like but there are times when we have to stick to our guns and not allow the cats to win.
When I think about it, it reminds me of how we all can be at times. There are times when we all want to do things but not the way that it should be done and so we fight against what needs to be done. And where does it get us all in the end? Really, the answer has to be nowhere. Just saying that I don't like it will not cut it when you are faced with what has to be done. And that also applies also to heaven. There are some things that are required of us from our Father in heaven and we need to do what He asks if we really expect him to be there for us. And so for us all the challenge is a simple one. Am I willing to obey Him even when I do not feel like it or want to do it?
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.