It was so very special. And all it took was a moment of time. I was down at the corner shop and was going back to the car. In the process I walked pass a car that was next to mine and on the roof of the car was a Peewee. It was making a happy song and was jumping for joy and enjoying life. It was so very special to watch.
But I was not the only person who saw it. There was an older man who was also going back to his car and he also stopped to watch the bird and was taking it all in. And the bird kept on singing and doing its thing in the sun in its eyes. As the man was watching I could not help but say under my breath that this was a special sight. The man replied that when a special moment takes place like this that we need to stop and enjoy the moment.
And how true that is. When special moments come along how we all need to take the moment that come and enjoy the sights that we see. So keep the eye open and see what is to be seen and enjoy it for what it is. Nature is so special. It speaks so loudly, if only we will listen to what it is saying. And really what is the message of nature. We have a wonderful creator and that our creator loves us. And yes, the same creator loves you too!
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.