You may look at the title and wonder as to what it has to do with us. After all we do care about the things that are around us do we not. But the point is that we need to be mindful of the fact that while we may think that we care, the fact is that there are things out there that do depend upon us for protection. What do I mean by this.
During the winter months we feed the sparrows with wheat and they do love it. And they come every day hoping and knowing that I will feed them. And that is fine. But there is just one problem to all of this. That being that there are other birds out there who think that they can come and attack the sparrow and do them harm. We hear the sparrows scream and know that they are wanting us to come and to protect them, and we do do that.
But now a question for us all to consider. I am sure that there are people out there who depend upon you and hope that you will not let them down. But when the time comes, what will you do? Will you be there for them or will you walk away? The wonderful thing is that we do have a friend in Jesus who will always be there for us. And the amazing thing is that He is only a prayer away.
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.