It is special when you see something that makes you appreciate anew the specialness of the animal kingdom. Except this time I am thinking of the bird kingdom to be exact. We had been walking along a track and it was a beautiful afternoon. We had gone along the track hoping to see some animals along the way but little did we think that we were about to see something that was very special.
All of a sudden there was the sound of wings and looking up just above us was an Eagle that thought that we were just a little too close. So he spread out his wings and we watched in wonder as he spread out his grand wings and flew low until there was an opening among the trees and then he went up to the sky. In a matter of one minute there he was up about three thousand feet and soaring on the winds and in total control. It was so special to see and to appreciate anew the wonders of God's creation.
I am reminded of a wonderful promise that we have a Father in heaven who is there for us all each day. And the greatest desire of His is that we are willing to depend upon Him and to allow Him to lead us day by day. He would love to carry us and to keep us safe under His wings. Just like the Eagle He has wings that are able to lift us above any storm that we may ever face. We can put our trust in Him and He will be there each day for us, if we will only trust and ask Him.
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.