It was one of those moments that I will remember for a long while. There we were up the mountain and I was filming and all was going well. It had been an amazing afternoon and the night was starting to come on. And as I was thinking of packing up my wife put to me the idea that we stay for a little bit longer and see the sun go down. There was also the hope that we would get some very good shots of the sun setting with colours that would grab the attention of us both.
Even though it was beginning to be a little cooler I thought that we could give it a try as we were there. And so we waited and we were not disappointed with what we were to see. The colours that we were to see were special and the lights of the city coming on below in the distance would also prove to be special as well. And all the while I would get some very special shots onto the camera as well. It would prove to be a very special evening and it all happened because we were willing to be patient and to just wait a little bit longer.
In thinking about it I see a lesson to be learned. How often we all want things to happen straight away, but sometimes it is just not that way every time. Sometimes we have to wait. And that may mean waiting on the Lord to act. Does He always act straight away? Not always but for us all is the challenge to wait and to trust upon Him to lead us day by day. By being willing to wait a little bit longer we saw a wonderful sunset. If we are willing to wait on our Father in Heaven He will not let us down either. And that is a promise that we can claim every day.
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.