It does not take much to be clean. And it does not take much to feel like the great unwashed. You may start to wonder as to what I mean by all of this. In my defence I will say that this happened as a result from doing a good turn. And a good turn it was too, and I hope that all will go well for the person concerned.
We were down the line and doing a few things when a person asked if we could help her out with a problem. I will admit that the problem was a simple one and that being the fact that she needed some fuel for the car as it had run out. And what made it all a little easier was the fact that she also had a petrol can to fill.
But in the process of filling the can I spilled petrol over myself and a little over the girl as well. And from that moment on I felt a little unclean. In fact very unclean and rather smelly. But looking back on the whole experience I discovered an important point. And that being that it does not take much for the situation to change for us each one in life. We may think that we are on the right track and we are, but it does not take much for this to change and that is where it can all become scary. So what can we learn from this? We need to hold fast to what is true and shun what is wrong. And in the process we will be faithful to the One who alone can give hope for us all every day.
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.