It is interesting to take in nature and the things that are around us. The birds that sing and the animals that make their sound. I guess that for us looking on it is just a sound. But for the animal or bird they all seem to understand what is being communicated. And it makes me wonder as to what they say to each other. What kind of words do they use and what is the limit of their understanding.
And as we take in the sights of this world you cannot help but wonder as to how it all began and if there was a beginning. After all we know that we had a beginning in that we were born. But to consider beyond that, then what? And then we look up to the sky and see the wonders that are there and behold the glory of the sunset and the sunrise, how did this begin and where do we go to find the answer?
The answer is very simple but it is one that does require faith. Do you accept that faith has to be a part of the equation? All too often we are not willing to make faith a part of the equation but in our everyday life faith is used much more that we are willing to admit. I wonder as to how many of us know how the car really works and yet we are willing to get into one and to drive it. And believe that it will go and not let us down. But what about life? If we are willing to accept the workings of a car with faith, even though we may not know fully how it works, then why are we not so eager to believe the beginning of this world? And yet the answer is very easy, if we are willing to read and believe it. And the answer……Genesis 1:1
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.