It is a sorry thing when you find that you are getting older. We like to think that this is not so but every now and then the truth comes home again and we have to stop and think through the process. And of course the mirror does not lie and there is nothing that you can do about it. We just have to accept that this is a fact of life and that is that.
In recent times I have met up with people that I have not seen for a long time. It has been quite a shock to come to grips with the fact that time does not wait for anyone. I was at an occasion and I was talking to a much older person when I saw someone that I had not seen for many years. Building up the courage I asked the person their name and found that I was on the right track and that this was the person that I was hoping to see. Needless it was a moment in time for me. And I guess that I had to appreciate that I was not getting any younger either.
So what am I to learn from all of this? That we do appreciate each day that is given. That the clock of time does not stand still and that we need to make the most of each day that we are given and yes, maybe take the time to know the One who made us and in who alone we do have a future.
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.