It was interesting the other morning when I had to get a family member to the train at an early time in the morning. It was amazing how that he was able to be up and ready to leave at the appointed time. And I can understand why. The train does not wait for any one. If you are wanting to catch it then the idea is that you are at the station on time. And the truth of the matter is that the train came in on time and two minutes later it was pulling out of the station. And the wonderful thing of it all is that a few hours later the family member was up in the sister state of New South Wales. How things can happen so fast and so easy.
But the key to it all was that the person had to be ready to be on that first train and then when he arrived at Southern Cross Station he then had to be ready to get to the second train that would take him up north. There was no thought of being just a little late and that it would not matter. He knew that the train would not wait and therefore he had to be on time. And in thinking about this point I am reminded of the fact that we need to be ready for our Maker when He comes. It will be all too late to think about being ready for the event after it is all over. Question for us all to ponder is are we prepared to be ready on time for Him?
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.