It is amazing how things affect different people in different ways. The other day/evening we were at a wedding and it had all gone well. But now it was time to go home. And when you are in an area that you do not know well it is very easy to be a little lost. And so we began the journey home. It was not long after we began that I decided that we would need a little extra fuel in the car. And with that in mind I pulled into a petrol station to fill up on fuel.
After putting in the petrol I then went into the station to pay for the fuel. In paying for the fuel I made mention of the fact that I was heading for the city of Ballarat. The poor man nearly died on the spot. He could not believe that anyone would be heading for a place so far away. I cheerfully told him that for a country driver like myself it would only be a couple of hours and then I would be home. And so it was that in a couple of hours I was home at about 12.50 am. Yes it could be said that it was a very late night…..or an early morning!
But the point is this. We did get home. And it was a wonderful moment when the car pulled into the driveway. But in many ways life is like a journey. And we are still a long way from home….our heavenly home. But the day will come when the Master will come and take the faithful to the home that He has made ready for them.
Something for us all to ponder at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.