It is amazing how one can get lost and how wonderful it is when you find yourself back on the road that you know. This was our experience last night as we were coming home from a wedding. It had been a wonderful wedding and the wedding party looked great. But then after the night comes the trip home. Now you may wonder as to how could this be a problem as we had gotten there in the fist place. But there is a catch and that being that we went there in the daylight hours and followed the Melways maps. Now it was dark!
And so we began the trip home and soon we would come to see that what we thought we may have known we did not know at all. And no matter what we tried to do we found that it was all getting a little hard. But I knew that the road that I was on would take me into the city in a few minutes and then I would be right to find the way home. And so it was. We were soon on the way home and it was amazing as to the time that it took for us to get home. We did not lose any time at all.
As I thought about this I think that there is a lesson for us all. What a difference it makes to know the road. What a difference it makes to know that you are on the road that will lead you home. And the same applies to us going to the home above. The way to that place is to have a closer walk with the One who made us each one. And in doing that faithfully we may then have the hope that come the return of the Master, we will know the joy of going home with Him.
Something for us all to consider at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.