And yes, we all know the time in which we live. At this time of the year we have summer in Australia. And how we do enjoy that fact. Except when it is too hot. And we say down here, we are never happy. When it is winter we are longing for summer and when it is summer we are longing for winter. But for all of that summer days are warmer days and one is eager to be up and moving around for the day.
But with the summer time down here we do have a worry that is here every year and that being bushfires. I guess that every place has its worry and for us it is a case of holding our breath that we can get through the summer without large fires. As I consider this point I am reminded of a thought found in the Bible. We know the seasons of the land. We know when summer is here and we know to be aware of bushfires. Let's face it…..we would not go looking for fires in winter. It is a summer problem. But the point is this. Do we appreciate that the second coming is coming upon us and are we ready for that? We see that things are happening out there that are so wrong. But do we see the bigger picture and see that the end of the world is getting closer than when we first believed.
How we need to appreciate this time in which we live. The seasons on this earth we are able to see. But how about the Other Seasons that are happening?
Something for us all to consider at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.