Now in looking at the title you may wonder as to what is coming in this story, but it is true. Over the years we have looked at the weather being told on the T.V. or on the radio and in the end you think that you may as well have a go yourself. Sometimes they get it right and sometimes they get it wrong. And so it all goes on.
There is one thing that we have found. That if we take note of the habits of the cat we may have a better chance of getting the weather right. Let me tell you about it. When the cat washes behind the ear there is a good chance that there will be a weather change with the possibility of rain. And with the passing of time we have even been able to figure out when it will come. But with the two cats that we have now, we have an extra string to the bow. When one of the cats starts washing behind both ears lying down we know that we could be in for a thunderstorm. Now how is that for information!
How true it is that nature has a way of telling us all about what is ahead of us. I am reminded that we need to be also in tune with the one who made us and in so doing we will be ready for when He comes in the clouds of glory.
Something for us all to consider at this time. Until next time may you each be kept safe in His care.