The other day we experienced something that reminded me of the fact that we do have a wonderful hope and that we should never let go of that hope. We were about to go out and in fact we were going out to the car when Ruth looked down and told me that we had a little job to do. Looking down she saw that a little bird was dead. It would have been not more than a few hours old. How it got to where we were, there on the grass we do not know, we could see no nests nearby. But it brought home the fact that we still live in a world of sin.
So we took the time out to get a spade and dig a little hole and bury the little thing. You may wonder and laugh as to why we would bother but I am reminded that just as God loves us, so He has a deep love for all of His creatures and as a respect of the one who made all things so we are to treat all things with that same kind of respect.
So what is our hope? The fact that one day Jesus will return and there will be no more death. No more death for humans and no more death for the things of nature. What a wonderful day that will be!