This story is happening as I speak. We have a mouse. Not in the house but rather outside the house. Now you may wonder as to how this can be newsworthy but it is. You see, the attention given to this mouse is happening in the night time and the attention is real.
Now I guess that I had better explain. You see, it was evening and there was a lot of commotion in the house with our two cats. It seemed that something was getting their attention through the glass window and as Ruth look a look she could see that on the other side of the window there was a mouse. And the cats could see the mouse too. As the cats have never been outside the house then there was not a chance that we were going to let them out now. And so there was the mouse on the outside and the cats trying to get to the mouse but just between then was one thing that was stopping them. The pane of glass!!
So what can I learn from this situation. And yes, even tonight the cats were in their position to see if the mouse would appear again. But what can I learn is the question to ask? I think that the lesson is called paying attention and being ever ready. And those cats are ready and they are paying attention!! How we could all learn from that? To be ever ready and to pay attention to the things that happen around us. And really this advice is not new. I seem to remember that this advice was given to us in the Bible. And the place that I am thinking of is Matthew 24. I seem to remember that at the end of that chapter we are told to be always ready and watching. Something to think about…..
In the meantime may you all have a great week and take care out there.